How To Reflect Christ’s Love Daily

Love as a spiritual practice transforms worship into a daily way of living. When we think of worship, most of us probably imagine singing songs at church, praying, or reading Scripture.  And while those are beautiful ways to connect with God , I’ve come to realize that worship is so much more than what we do within the four walls of a church.  It becomes meaningful when we embrace love as a spiritual practice, showing Christ’s love to others in everyday moments.

That realization hit me during a season when I was asking God how I could deepen my relationship with him.  I kept thinking the answer would be something big and spiritual, like fasting more or spending hours in prayer.  But instead, God reminded me of something simple: “Love as I have loved you.”  It was humbling.  I mean, how often do we overlook the everyday opportunities to show love because we’re waiting for some grand spiritual assignment?

The truth is, practicing love as a spiritual discipline is one of the purest forms of worship.  When we choose to embrace love as a spiritual practice – especially when it’s inconvenient, unnoticed, or even undeserved-we embody the heart of Christ.  Engaging in this spiritual practice of love brings God glory and transforms how we interact with others.

Scripture Foundation: Love as a Command, Not a Suggestion

It’s impossible to talk about love without going straight to Scripture.  One verse that always comes to mind is John 13:34-35, where Jesus tells his disciples:

A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

What stands out to me here is that Jesus calls love a command- not a suggestion or something we do when we feel like it.  It’s a non-negotiable for those of us who follow him.  And he doesn’t just say “love people when they are easy to love” or “love when you have time.”  He sets the bar high by saying we should love others the way he loves us.  That’s a love marked by sacrifice, patience, compassion, and forgiveness.

If I’m being honest, that kind of love doesn’t come naturally.  God gently reminds me that love is my testimony.  It’s how people see him in me- not through perfect words or social media posts, but through how I show up for others.


Love In Action: Worship Beyond Words

It’s one thing to say we love people, but it’s another thing to entirely show it.  Love is more than a warm feeling or a well-meaning intention. It’s action. The way we treat people in everyday moments speaks volumes about who we are and who we serve.  Holding the door open for someone, checking on a friend who’s going through a rough time, or even offering to pay for  a stranger’s meal  in the line behind you may seem small, but these are acts of love that can plant seeds of hope in someone’s life.

One things God has been teaching me is that these moments are just as sacred as singing in church or reading my bible.  When I show love intentionally, it becomes worship.  It’s a way of saying God I am honoring you by loving this person right now even if no one else sees it.

Of course, love in action isn’t always convenient or comfortable.  Sometimes it’s messy.  Maybe it looks like forgiving someone who hurt you, even though they never apologized.  Maybe it’s putting down your phone to be fully present with your family. Or maybe it’s being kind to someone who isn’t being kind back.

It’s in those challenging moments that love truly becomes worship- because you’re making the choice to reflect Christ’s heart instead of reacting the way the world does.


Heart Posture: Loving with the Right Intentions

One thing I’ve learned is that love isn’t just about what we do. It’s about the condition of our heart while we’re doing it.  You can do all the right things, but if your heart isn’t in the right place, it’s just empty action.

1 Corinthians 13:3 puts it plainly:

“If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others I would have gained nothing.” NLT

This verse always makes me pause and reflect on my own motives.  Am I loving to be seen or praised? Am I helping someone just to receive something back in return? Or am I genuinely loving from a place of gratitude for the love God has shown me?

Having the right heart posture means being humble, patient, and willing to love without expecting anything in return.  It means loving even when it goes unnoticed or unappreciated.  That’s hard.  I’m still learning how to surrender my need for recognition and instead focus on loving simply because it honors God.

One thing that helps me reset my heart posture is prayer.  Before I serve or interact with someone, I try to ask God, “Help me love this person the way you love me.”  That simple prayer shifts my perspective and reminds me that every act of love is an opportunity to worship.


A Call to Love as Worship

As you go about your day, I encourage you to see love as more than just a feeling or a good deed.  See it as a form of worship- a way to glorify God through your actions, words, and even your thoughts. Ask yourself how can I reflect Christ’s love today?  Whatever it looks like, do it with a heart that’s focused on honoring God.

Here’s a simple challenge for the week: pick one intentional act of love each day.  It doesn’t have to be big-just meaningful.  Pray that God will guide you to someone who needs his love, and trust that he will use you in ways you may never even realize.

I’d love to know how God moves in your life through this challenge.  Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or connect with me on the blog.  Let’s encourage each other to love deeply and worship fully.

“And do everything with love” – 1 Corinthians 16:14 NLT


According to Bible Study Tools, love is mentioned over 500 times in the Bible as a command and a way of life


As we reflect on love as a spiritual practice, it’s important to remember that extending love to ourselves is is just as vital.  If you’re looking for practical ways to embrace self-love, check out my self-love ideas for Valentine’s Day link here.